2010.09 - 2014.06 浙江大学化学系 获得理学学士学位;
2014.09 - 2019.06 浙江大学化学系 直接攻读理学博士学位(师从 周仁贤 教授);
2019.07 - 至今 中国计量大学材料与化学学院从事教学科研工作。
[1] 国家自然科学基金课题:纳米CuO-CeO2基复合氧化物孔材料催化选择性氧化富氢气中CO的性能及机理研究(21773207),2018.1-2021.12,参与。
[2] 国家自然科学基金课题:纳米铈基复合氧化物孔材料催化降解氯代有机污染物的性能及机理研究(21477109),2015.1-2018.12,参与。
[1] Xiaolin Guo, Renxian Zhou, Identification of the nano/micro structure of CeO2(rod) and the essential role of interfacial copper-ceria interaction in CuCe(rod) for selective oxidation of CO in H2-rich streams, Journal of Power Sources, 361 (2017) 39-53.
[2] Xiaolin Guo, Jianxin Mao, Renxian Zhou, Influence of the copper coverage on the dispersion of copper oxide and the catalytic performance of CuO/CeO2(rod) catalysts in preferential oxidation of CO in excess hydrogen, Journal of Power Sources, 371 (2017) 119-128.
[3] Xiaolin Guo, ZhihuanQiu, Jianxin Mao, Renxian Zhou, Doping effect of transition metals (Zr, Mn, Ti and Ni) on well-shaped CuO/CeO2(rods): nano/micro structure and catalytic performance for selective oxidation of CO in excess H2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 25983-25994.
[4] Xiaolin Guo, Jing Li, Renxian Zhou, Catalytic performance of manganese doped CuO-CeO2 catalysts for selective oxidation of CO in hydrogen-rich gas, Fuel, 2016, 163, 56-64.
[5] Xiaolin Guo, Renxian Zhou, A new insight into the morphology effect of ceria on CuO/CeO2 catalysts for CO selective oxidation in hydrogen-rich gas, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6, 3862-3871.
[6] Zhiming Li, Xiaolin Guo(共同一作), Fei Tao, Renxian Zhou, New insights into the effect of morphology on catalytic properties of MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxides for chlorobenzene degradation, RSC Advance, 2018, 8, 25283-25291.
[7] ZhihuanQiu, Xiaolin Guo, Jianxin Mao, Renxian Zhou, The catalytic performance of isolated-dispersed Au on nanosized CeO2 for CO preferential oxidation in H2-rich stream, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 481, 1072-1079.
[8] Ting Wang, Xiaolin Guo(共同一作), Siyu Lin, Renxian Zhou, Effect of PdOx structure properties on catalytic performance of Pd/Ce0.67Zr0.33O2 catalyst for CO, HC and NOx elimination, Journal of Rare Earths, 2019, 37, 706-713.
[9] Jie Wan, Jiansong Lin, Xiaolin Guo, Ting Wang, Renxian Zhou, Morphology effect on the structure-activity relationship of Rh/CeO2-ZrO2 catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368, 719-729.
[10] Jie Wan, Peng Yang, Xiaolin Guo, Renxian Zhou, Investigation on the structure-activity relationship of Nb2O5 promoting CeO2-CrOx-Nb2O5 catalysts for 1,2-dichloroethane elimination, Molecular Catalysis, 2019, 470, 75-81.
电话:+86 18768114477;邮箱:guoxiaolin@cjlu.edu.cn
地址:中国计量大学材料与化学学院 新能源材料与器件实验室,方圆南楼206