1. 基本情况
2. 学习和工作经历
2005.09 - 2009.07 山西大学 物理与电子工程学院 物理学(国家基地)学士学位
2009.09 - 2012.06 上海大学 理学院物理系 凝聚态物理 硕士学位(马忠权 教授)
2012.09 - 2015.12 上海大学 理学院物理系 凝聚态物理 博士学位(马忠权 教授)
2016.05 - 2018.10 中山大学 光电材料与技术国家重点实验室 光学工程 科研博士后(陈军 教授,桂许春 教授)
2018.10 -至今 中国计量大学 材料与化学学院 讲师
3. 主要研究方向
4. 科研项目情况
[1] 2020.01 - 2022.12 “硫化锌/石墨烯基纳米核壳复相结构的制备与锂离子导向电迁移特征研究”,浙江省自然科学基金青年探索项目,10万元,主持
[2] 2018.01 - 2021.12 “具有周期性褶皱的石墨烯的构筑及其在力学传感中的应用探索”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,参与(2)
[3] 2013.01 - 2016.12 “SIS结构光电器件的光子辅助量子隧穿效应的研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,80万元,参与(已结题)
[4] 2009.01 - 2011.12 “SIS结构紫光太阳电池的研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,参与(已结题)
5. 代表性论文
[1] H. W. Du, X. C. Gui, R. L. Yang, Z. Q. Lin, B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, Y. J. Zheng, H. Zhu, and J. Chen, In-situ sulfur loading in graphene-like nano-cell by template-free method for Li–S batteries, Nanoscale, 10, 3877 (2018);
[2] H. W. Du, X. C. Gui, R. L. Yang, H. Zhang, Z. Q. Lin, B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, H. Zhu, and J. Chen, ZnS nanoparticles coated with graphene-like nano-cell as anode materials for high rate capability lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Mateirals Science, 53, 14619-14628 (2018);
[3] H. W. Du, J. Yang, M. Gao, Y. Li, Y. Z. Wan, F. Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, The bifunctional tin-doped indium oxide as hole-selective contact and collector in silicon heterojunction solar cell with a stable intermediate oxide layer, Solar Energy, 155, 963-970 (2017);
[4] H. W. Du, J. Yang, Y. H. Li, F. Xu, J. Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, Preparation of ITO/SiOx/n-Si solar cells with non-decline potential field and hole tunneling by magnetron sputtering, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 093508 (2015);
[5] H. W. Du, J. Yang, Y. Li, M. Gao, S. M. Chen, Z. S. Yu, F. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Low temperature characteristic of ITO/SiOx/c-Si heterojunction solar cell, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48, 355101 (2015);
[6] H. W. Du, J. Yang, F. Xu, L. Zhao, and Z. Q. Ma,Tunneling effect of photon-assisted AZO/SiOx/n-Si heterojunction device at reverse bias,Advanced Material Letters, 7, 100-105 (2016);
[7] Z. Q. Ma*, H. W. Du, J. Yang, M. Gao, S. M. Chen and Y. Z. Wan,Realization of both high efficiency and quantum tunneling in QM-SIS solar cells, Materials Today: Proceedings, 3, 454-458 (2016);
[8] R. L. Yang, H. W. Du, Z. Q. Lin, L. L. Yang, H. Zhu, H, Zhang, Z. K. Tang, X. C. Gui, ZnO nanoparticles filled tetrapod-shaped carbon shell for lithium-sulfur batteries, Carbon, 141, 258-265 (2019)
[9] K. J. Wu, M. Gao, H. W. Du, D. Y. Chen, L. Zhao, Z. Q. Ma, Improvement of the performance of ITO/a-SiOx/n-Si device by controllable sputtering power and reducible interface states, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 105, 104702 (2020)
[10] B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, Z. F. He, R. L. Yang, Z. Q. Lin, H. W. Du, Y. Y. Shang, A. Y. Cao, Z. K. Tang, and X. C. Gui, Highly Sensitive, Flexible MEMS Based Pressure Sensor with Photoresist Insulation Layer, Small, 13, 44, (2017);
[11] Y. J. Zheng, Z. Q. Lin, W. J. Chen, B. H. Liang, H. W. Du, R. L. Yang, X. F. He, Z. K. Tang and X. C. Gui, Flexible, sandwich-like CNTs/NiCo2O4 hybrid paper electrodes for all-solid-state supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 5886 (2017);
[12] Y. Z. Wan, M. Gao, Y. Li, H. W. Du, Y. H. Li, H. B. Guo, F. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Potentiality of delocalized states in indium-involved amorphous silicon oxide, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 213902 (2017);
[13] Y. Li, B. C. Han, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan, J. Yang, H. W. Du, and Z. Q. Ma, A concise way to estimate the average density of interface states in an ITO/SiOx/n-Si heterojunction solar cell, Applied Surface Science. 416, 432-438 (2017);
[14] M. Gao, H. W. Du, J. Yang, L. Zhao, J. Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, Variation of passivation behavior induced by sputtered energetic particles and thermal annealing for ITO/SiOx/Si system, Chinese Physics B 26, 045201 (2017);
[15] Y. Li, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan, H. W. Du, S. M. Chen, and Z. Q. Ma. The high frequency tunnel capacitance overload phenomenon of semiconductor-insulator- semiconductor heterojunction caused by the ultra-thin interfacial layers, Chinese Science Bulletin, 62, 3385-3391 (2017);
[16] J. Yang, H. W. Du, Yong Li, et al, Structural defects and recombination behavior of excited carriers in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells, AIP ADVANCES, 6, 085215 (2016);
[17] S. M. Chen, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan, H. W. Du, Y. Li, and Z. Q. Ma, Questing and the application for silicon based ternary compound within ultra-thin layer of SIS intermediate region, Applied Surface Science, 388, 57-63 (2016);
[18] L. Shen, H. W. Du, J. Yang and Z. Q. Ma, Optimized broad band and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties with moth-eye structures by low cost replica molding, Applied Surface Science, 325, 100–104 (2015);
[19] J. Yang, H. W. Du, D. S. Chen, F. Xu, P. H. Zhou, J. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Analysis of recombination path for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells through luminescence, Materials Letters, 145, 236–238 (2015);
[20] S. M. Chen, M. Gao, R. N. Cao, H. W. Du, J. Yang, L. Zhao, and Z. Q. Ma, Hydrogen-free synthesis of graphene–graphitic films directly on Si substrate by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 26, 1485–1493 (2015);
[21] D. S. Chen, J. Yang, Z. B. Yang, F. Xu, H. W. Du and Z. Q. Ma, Improvement of band gap profile in CIGS solar cells through rapid thermal annealing, Materials Research Bulletin, 54, 48-53 (2014).
[22] D. S. Chen, J. Yang, F. Xu, P. H. Zhou, H. W. Du, J. W. Shi, Z. S. Yu, Y. H. Zhang, B. Bartholomeusz, and Z. Q. Ma, Performance improvement of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells after Rapid Thermal Annealing, Chinese Physics B, 22, 018801 (2013);
[23] D. S. Chen, J. Yang, F. Xu, P. H. Zhou, H. W. Du, J. W. Shi, Z. S. Yu, Y. H. Zhang, Brian Bartholomeusz, Z. Q. Ma, Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the compositional ratio and interface of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by XPS, Applied Surface Science, 264, 459-463 (2013);
[24] 杜汇伟,沈玲,丁虎,杨洁,赵磊,马忠权,超薄SiO2层的化合态结构和厚度分析,材料研究学报, 2012, 26, 461-466
[25] 高明, 杜汇伟, 杨洁, 陈姝敏, 徐静, 马忠权, 磁控溅射工艺引起硅表面超薄钝化层电子结构变化, 科学通报, 2015, 60, 1841–1848
6. 授权发明专利
[1] 国家发明专利:“硅基SIS 结构旁路二极管和HIT太阳电池的器件集成方法”,专利号:ZL201511004294.6,发明人:马忠权,杜汇伟,杨洁
7. 获奖情况
[1] 2018年1月 中山大学电信学院2017年度“优秀工会积极分子”
[2] 2015年5月 全国博士生年会优秀论文奖(广州)
8. 联系方式
电话:0571- 87676407;邮箱:duhw@cjlu.edu.cn