姓 名:李冬云
性 别:女
民 族:汉
籍 贯:河南南阳
Email: lidongyun@cjlu.edu.cn
电 话:0571-87676293
1991.09-1995.07 中北大学材料科学与工程学院攻读学士学位
1995.07 -1997.8 兵器工业总公司第358厂工作
1997.09-2000.9 中北大学材料科学院攻读硕士学位
2000.09-2004.10 西安交通大学材料学院攻读博士学位
2004.10-2006.12 浙江大学材料学院博士后研究员
2006.12-至今 中国计量学院材料科学与工程学院从事教学科研工作
1. “水基陶瓷成型技术”, 浙江省重点研发项目,编号:2006C21071,负责人,2006年.
2. “纳米改性高频电路基板的关键技术研究和产业化”,浙江省重大科技公关项目,编号:2011C11025,负责人,2009年.
3. “纳米改性锂电池材料的研发”,校企合作项目,编号:H113106,负责人,2013年.
4. “MoSi2-RSiC多功能复合材料的制备及高温性能研究”,浙江省基金项目,编号: LY14E020009,负责人,2014年.
5. “纳米磁性固相萃取剂的制备及其在水体中痕量重金属分析中的应用”,浙江省公益项目,编号:2015C31041,负责人,2015年.
6. “掺杂改高性能永磁铁氧体的研发”,校企合作项目,校企合作项目,编号: H171147
7. “高品质氧化铝相变控制及超细化技术研究”,校企合作项目,编号:H181331,负责人,2018年.
8. “过渡金属纳米阵列搭建及其双功能电催化性能”,硅材料国家重点实验室的开放项目,编号:SKL2019-04,负责人,2019年.
9. “北海西村港跨海大桥海工材料的耐久性研究”,校企合作项目,编号:H191201,负责人,2019年.
1.Yukun Sun, Dongyun Li, Hui Yang. Fabrication of Fe3O4@polydopamine@polyamidoamine core-shell nanocompositesand their application for Cu(II) adsorption. New J Chem, 2018,42.
2.Dongyun Li, Xuzhao Hu, Yukun Sun. Goethite (a-FeOOH) nanopowders synthesized via a surfactant-assisted hydrothermal method:morphology, magnetic properties and conversion to rice-like a-Fe2O3 after annealing,RSC Advances,2015,5.
3.Dongyun Li, Yukun Sun, Yang Xu. Effects of Dy3+ substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by a sol-gel self-combustion method. Ceramics Lnternational.2015,41.
4.Pengzhao Gao, Ling Wang, Dongyun Li. Electrochemical performance of LiFePO4@C composites with biomorphic porous carbon loading and nano-core–shell structure. Ceramics International.2014,40.
5.Dongyun Li, Yukun Sun, Hongliang Ge. Structural and magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles synthesized via a template-assisted sol–gel method. Ceramics International.2014,40.
6.Dongyun Li, Fan Wang, Ailin Xia. A facile way to realize exchange coupling interaction in hard/soft magnetic composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2016,417.
7.Yukun Sun, Dongyun Li, Hongliang Ge. Crystallization kinetics and magnetic properties of spinel transition metal ferrite nanoparticles. Journal of Ceramic Processing Research. 2016,17 (5).
8.W Xie, P Z Gao, D Y Li. Detailed electrical and mechanical retention characteristics of MoSi2-RSiC composites exhibiting three-dimensional (3D) interpenetrated network structure during long-term high-temperature oxidation process. Ceramics International.2016,42.
9.Sun, Yukun; Guo, Xingzhong; Li, Dongyun. Facile Synthesis of Carboxy-terminated Fe3O4@polyamidoamine Nanocomposite for Efficient Removal of Toxic Heavy Metal Contaminants. Chemistry letters. 2019, 48( 9).
10.Wang, F; Sun, YK; Guo, XZ ; Li, DY. Preparation and graft modification of hierarchically porous ferriferrous oxide for heavy metal ions adsorption, Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 2020, 96( 2).