姓 名:张中泉
性 别:男
民 族:汉
籍 贯:安徽太和
Email: zzqlvjt@163.com
电 话:
2004年9月—2011年7月,兰州大学 物理科学与技术学院 本科及硕士;
2011年9月—2015年9月,上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院 博士;
2015年10月—2018年11月,华电电力科学研究院 新能源技术研究所 工程师;
2018年11月—2023年12月,中国计量大学 材料与化学学院 讲师;
2023年12月至今,中国计量大学 材料与化学学院 副教授。
5、 浙江省自然科学基金重大项目LD24E010003:海洋环境高温钛铝合金耦合损伤行为与防护理论,100万,2024-2026年,参与。
6、 浙江省市场监管局雏鹰计划培育项目:高端装备关键部件先进表面工程技术及检测方法,21万元,参与。
1. Yukai Wang, Fahai Ba, Ze Chai, Zhongquan Zhang, A review of thermal control coatings prepared by micro-arc oxidation on light alloys, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 19 (2024) 100514.
2. Le Zhao, Meng Yuan, Ze Fan, Zhongquan Zhang, Guoying Wei, Temperature induced wear mechanism transition of Ni-Co-W alloy coatings, Materials Letters 352 (2023) 135198.
3. Zhiqun Liao, Fengping Zhong, Zhongquan Zhang, Li Jiang, Guoying Wei, Meng Yuan, Lingling Ren, Comparative study on the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of NiW and NiCoW composite coatings with micro- and nano-SiC particles, Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104769.
4. Zhongquan Zhang, Zhao Xu, Zhiqun Liao, Chuanxi Chen, Guoying Wei, A novel synthesis method for functionally graded alloy coatings by induced electrodeposition, Materials Letters 312 (2022) 131681.
5. Zhongquan Zhang, Leyu Dai, Yibiao Yin, Zhao Xu, Yin Lv, Zhiqun Liao, Guoying Wei, Fengping Zhong, Meng Yuan, Electrodeposition and wear behavior of NiCoW ternary alloy coatings reinforced by Al2O3 nanoparticles: Influence of current density and electrolyte composition, Surface & Coatings Technology 431 (2022) 128030.
6. Zhongquan Zhang, Chuanhai Jiang, Zhiqun Liao, Guoying Wei, Effect of electrodeposition parameters on the evolution of crystallographic texture and internal stress of Ni/ZrC composite coatings, Materials Today Communications, 2021,27: 102403.
7. Xinyang Shi, Zhongquan Zhang, Leyu Dai, Yin Lv, Zhao Xu, Yibiao Yin, Zhiqun Liao, Guoying Wei, Effect of Al2O3 Nanoparticles and Heat Treatment on the Wear Resistance of Electrodeposited Ni-W/Al2O3 Composite Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021, 31:3094–3106.
8. Zhongquan Zhang, Chuanhai Jiang, Peng Fu, Fei Cai, Naiheng Ma, Microstructure and texture of electrodeposited Ni-ZrC composite coatings investigated by Rietveld XRD line profile analysis, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2015,257(5):1371-1376.
9. Zhongquan Zhang, Chuanhai Jiang, Fei Cai, Peng Fu, Naiheng Ma, Vincent Ji,Two stages for the evolution of crystallite size and texture of electrodeposited Ni-ZrC composite coating, Surface & Coatings Technology,2015,261:122-129.
10. Z. Zhang, X. Wu, C. Jiang, N. Ma,Electrodeposition of Ni matrix composite coatings containing ZrC particles, Surface Engineering,2014,30(1):21-25.
11. Zhongquan Zhang, Chuanhai Jiang, Naiheng Ma,Microstructure and corrosion behavior of electrodeposited Ni-Co-ZrC coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23(11): 4065-4071.
12. Z. Q. Zhang, C. H. Jiang, N. H. Ma, Electrodeposition and mechanical property of Ni-Co-ZrC coatings, Materials Research Innovations,2014,19(2):133-139.
13. Z. Zhang, C. Jiang, X. Wu, N. Ma,Effect of particle concentration on the property of electrodeposited Ni-ZrC nanocomposites, Materials Research Innovations,2014,18(3):146-151.
14. CuO纳米线在碳纤维上的制备与表征,材料导报,2011,25(10):73-76.
1. NB/T 31130-2018《风力发电场设备润滑技术监督规程》(能源行业标准);
2. NB/T 31131-2018《风力发电场测量技术监督规程》(能源行业标准);
3. NB/T 10110-2018《风力发电场技术监督导则》(能源行业标准);
4. 《标准样品概论》,中国标准出版社,2021年(编委会成员);
5. 《表面处理技术与产品设计》,化学工业出版社,出版中 (教育部高等学校材料类专业教学指导委员会规划教材)。
Ÿ 张中泉,阴译飚,廖志群,卫国英,发明专利《一种镍钴钨梯度镀层的镀液、制备方法及电镀方法》,专利号:ZL 202111664375.4,授权公告日:2023年06月09日;
Ÿ 张中泉,刘晓光,钟天宇,发明专利《一种风电机机群有功功率优化分配装置及其优化分配方法》,专利号:ZL 201710557398.2,授权公告日: 2019年 11 月 26 日;